
Poison Land

sailor collarが完成して2年が経ちました。経年変化や事故の傷が目立っていたのでカスタムペイントを再度施します。
sailor collar was completed, and two years passed. Because the wound of a secular variation and the accident was outstanding, I give custom paint again.

I decided to attach a current peanut tank. Because I got used to a monkey tank, I felt that I am slightly big in jazz, but I try it hard and finish it in a good balance.
At first it is a tank and fender black coating.

I give masking and turn on innocence.

柄はエンドレスラインとファンタジーペンシルがメインです。マフラー側は緑、スタンド側は紫。As for the handle, end Les Line and a fantasy pencil are Maine. The muffler side is green, and the stands side is purple.

ボカシ入れはタミヤの模型用エアブラシです。The shading off case is an airbrush for models of Tamiya.

As for end Les Line, an expression changes by a picture person. My line is this place.

”nattou” Fermented soybeans

The eyes which foresee all things

"Colander soba"

It was able to keep the cook rotation at a quarter corner for airbrushs.

マウントはフレームにねじ切り。The mount is wrenched off to a frame.

ガレージが便利です。A garage is convenient. A garage.

The solid color shows a lot of shading off. A terrible favorite.

サイクルゾンビズのショベルに付いていたタンクに触発されてキャンディー塗料を使わない塗装を行いました。I performed the painting that it was detonated by contact by the tank which stuck to a shovel of zombies for a cycle and did not use the candy paint for.

”Hello!My name became the Poison land from Sailor collar!”

Sailor collar

I dropped it at the time of urethane confirmation.holy f******K

4 件のコメント:

  1. 低脳と有名なオレオレ2011年6月2日 12:40


  2. It is wonderful
    I want to love high school girl
    I like big BOOBs

    ha ha ha ha~!!


  3. 低脳と有名なオレオレさん
    早速落としましたがね… シュークリーム美味しかったです有り難う御座います!

  4. tomopiro:

    holy f**k.
    atarasii club no top dasai :(
