映画マッドマックスで着けていたグローブはモーターサイクル用のものだと最近知りました。 とてもダサくて格好良いので作る事にしました!I knew that the glove which I put on in movie mad max was a thing for motorcycles recently. Because I was very nerdy and was cool, I decided to make it!
The sewing machine work is any the!in my leaving the school of the outfitting I thought and came, and I hated it, and the pattern of the glove had a hard fight by the calculations of the space quantity.
資料が少なかったので結構アドリブで作りました。スエード素材も汚れが目立つ結果となりました。修行が足りませんね。Because there were few documents, I made it quite ad lib. It followed that the suede material showed a lot of dirts. Ascetic practices are insufficient.
先日、東京の高円寺にチョッパーを髣髴とさせるショップを発見したのですがそちらで売ってました当時物。今度買いに行こうと思います。 グローブのブランド名や詳細が分かる方は教えて下さい!It is a thing in those days when it discovered the shop which reminds Koenji of Tokyo of a chopper, but it sold there the other day. I intend to go for buying this time. Please teach the person understanding a brand name and the details of the glove!
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