私は毎朝の通学に湘南新宿ライン籠原行きの電車に乗って通学していました。この快速車両は神奈川の東海道線駅から一本で新宿方面に向かう事が出来る便利な交通手段です。通勤ラッシュ時の混み具合は酷いもので、始発に搭乗しても座れる確立は皆無に等しい値です。専門学生だった私は常に大荷物を配慮した立ち位置を保持しなければ成りません。課題で朦朧としながらつり革に摑まっていた日が御座いました。其の日は運が良く横浜駅で目の前の席が空いたので座りました。何時もは睡眠時間に使える貴重な時間なのですが課題のアイデア出しに用いました。しかし、前日は睡眠無しで課題に勤しんでいた為に睡魔との闘いでも有りました。 頭の天辺に神経を集中させたときにレースをマスキングにして生地に塗装を施せば新しいテキスタイルが提案できるアイデアを思いつきました。 このテクニックは洋服に限られた事ではないので初めてバイクの塗装に挑戦してみることにしました。
I went to school on the train for Shonan Shinjuku line Kagohara for attending school of the every morning. This high speed vehicle is the convenient transportation that can leave for the Shinjuku area in one of them from Tokaido Line Station of Kanagawa. It is the value that there is no establishment to be able to sit down on even if the congestion in the commuter rush boards the first train with a bad thing, and is equal. I who was a specialized student always considered large loads; if stand, and do not maintain a position, do not become. There were light-headedness and the day when I held onto the strap while doing it by a problem. Because I was lucky, and a seat in front became vacant at Yokohama Station on the day, I sat down. It was valuable time to be able to spend for a sleep, but always used it for the idea soup stock of the problem. However, there was even a fight with the drowsiness because I worked hard for a problem without sleep the day before. I hit on the idea that new textile could suggest if I made a race masking when I centralized nerve in the top of the head and put the painting for cloth. Because this technique was not that it was limited to clothes, I decided to challenge the painting of the motorcycle for the first time. It was the painting that it thought whether nobody did it, and this came, and was popular commonly in the chopper scene in unpleasant 60's.
・A race handle of the floral design.
・At IC tape 2mm for drafting three hemming lines.
・I clip it out, and a letter is a slogan, but.
・Mask it, and make full use; and as for the ribbon.
・I want to pour the shadow.
・Stand for loss; and a candy color.
Because I am troublesome, I all do it!
ガスタンクはピーナッツタンクと迷いましたがjazzには大きいのでホンダモンキーのタンクをフォルム修正して使おうと思います。It is the temporary charge account of the new part before the painting. I make pure rear fender a bobtail.
The gas tank was at a loss with a peanut tank, but thinks form revises the tank of the Honda monkey because I am big in jazz, and to use it.
Work with the first FRP. I served it and dried it and, for one week, became such a state.
One's room is the smell that is terrible by a chemical reaction.
マスクを付け忘れた私は二日間程肺がおかしく成りました。 I fix the appearance in a disk grinder. Glass fiber and powder of the polyester fly in the sky.
The lungs became me who forgot to attach a mask funnily for around two days.
その後洗剤で脱脂して乾燥後に塗装します。 I fix it with FRP and am completed.
The number light trace of the fender was buried neatly, too.
Because the completion plan is a bright color, I spray white groundwork surfacer.
模型用のスプレーが細いタッチです。映画「WILD STYLE」で学びました。The Scotch Whiskey valve which a maker developed by all means is attached to a spray can.
Because spout ways of the paint are different by a company, it is very convenient when I have plural valves.
Spray for models is a thin touch. I learned in movie "WILD STYLE".http://www.wildstylethemovie.com/
It is the silver of the candy color.
Even if it can paint neatly, it is a file, removal of fat, drying every time.
I blow on abandoned, clearing it before using the clear color and protect silver.
With IC tape a hemming line of the silver.
I keep setting up the curve neatly. It is hand-washing to put it for 20 minutes because I influence the painting when a fingerprint sticks.
Because I was made with an S mode almost every day, it was over in around four hours.
The appearance of the airbrush! I paint with clear green.
Because there are few areas of the painting, what commutes and paints. The ratio of a color and the clear is 1:1
The appearance of the airbrush! I paint with clear green.
When I tear it off
13に規準線を張って、 I put graphic in the fender back with much effort.
Set up a standard route to 13,
装着後はタイヤで13が隠れる予定。I paint it black and tear it off.
13 is going to be covered with a tire after wearing.
13 is going to be covered with a tire after wearing.
タンクキャップやコックを取り付けます。Finally urethane of the anti-gasoline applies clearing it, and the painting is completed.
I attach a tank cap and a cook.
Oh, my sailor collar..
Oh, my sailor collar..
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Mr Ueno, thank you.
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It was a beautiful green paint,
It would be wonderfu
Mr Big Beach,
返信削除Even oneself likes it, but repaints it soon.
Gasoline leaked, and influence was reflected on the painting.As for the new work in fun!
リアフェンダーの取付方法を教えていただけませんか?よろしくお願いします。 m(_ _)m